“...pleased and impressed by such a fine landscape company as WBL, Provide first class service, superior quality, fair price, I highly regard them as truly the best for all your landscape needs.”

Phil Barker - Homeowner & Builder

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Why Landscaping Should Be A Priority

A healthy and well-maintained lawn is more than just a great first impression of your home. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, a manicured lawn contributes to the health of the environment and offers a better quality of life for you and your family.

An attractive lawn or landscaped area encourages us to take a break from our primarily-indoor lives and take a relaxing stroll outside. Spending time outdoors is linked to lower stress levels, more thoughtfulness and creativity, and a stronger immune system. Even taking your work or a book outside can increase energy levels and reduce mental fatigue.

A beautiful lawn and or landscaped exterior is a strong financial investment, offering a recovery rate of 100-200%, but also adds up to 15% to a home’s resale-value. Homeowners in the US believe that investments in lawns and landscaping are as good or better than other home improvements when considering the value of a home.

Another benefit of a healthy landscape is the cooling effect of a lawn on a summer day. Typically, a lawn is 30 degrees cooler than asphalt and 14 degrees cooler than bare soil. The front lawns of a row of eight houses offers the same cooling effect of 70 tons of air conditioning, or the output of 20 average home air conditioners. A cooler environment means more savings, as less energy is necessary to power electric air conditioners.

The health of a home lawn or landscape can also contribute to the overall health of the environment. Strong root systems secure soil to prevent erosion and can act as a filter as polluted water passes through the plants. Grass also removes pollutants and carbon dioxide from the air while producing large amounts of oxygen at a faster rate than native plants.

Maintaining your lawn’s health and appearance throughout the year is the a great step in improving the overall quality of your home’s exterior and positively impacting you and your family’s lives!

For assistance with your lawn care needs, please contact us at (910) 256-6345

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